Saturday, August 20, 2011

God save the queen!

This morning while I was rumbling though my very minimal closet *Its so minimal that it makes me cry every time I open it and trust me those are not tears of joy*, there was just one piece of clothing that was most befitting and best described state of affairs.
The T-shirt read: God save the queen.
We certainly are not talking about the one sitting in her palace in London *Could not be less bovered about her*.
She certainly did not gut down seven tequila shots and countless beers last night.
Therefore no headlines caught my attention because the only head that I was bit concerned about this morning was my own.
Some people might find it derogatory to be addressed as a 'Queen'. I was addressed as one by a stranger. All throughout our conversation I was nothing but polite even though I was under the influence of alcohol. So this is what my response to that was:
'Its baffling*Love that word* to me that how sharing a few good laughs with someone  can give people the liberty to call them names. Surprising, is it? As far as me being a Queen or The Queen, let me correct you there. Where I come from, they call me a Princess and I don't have taste for dowdy bags.'
Seriously!!!! Some people just ask for it.
I so needed to vent it out. Phew! Feeling much better now.

Have a good weekend everyone!!!!!
Kisses, kisses and more.

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